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Personal insurance : good tools for your peace of mind


Personal insurance is a global term to describe a wide range of coverage for your insurable property, from your home to your works of art, your jewellery or your second home. This product line is referred to simply as distinguishing it from commercial insurance.


Personal insurance includes several product lines: home insurance, automobile insurance, high-value property insurance, supplementary personal property insurance and umbrella insurance, among others. All can be adapted to your needs by your M2 Insurance broker.


For home

A good home insurance is essential for owners of single-family homes, condominiums and tenants. Unfortunately, many tenants neglect to insure themselves, deeming this expense unnecessary. An argument that does not hold water, because if your building is destroyed by fire or a thief breaks into your home while you are away, you may regret the few dollars you refused to invest in good protection! Same thing if you own a condo: condominium insurance only covers the building, not your property.


For your vehicles

Insuring your vehicle(s) is a necessity and you must, if requested by the authorities, provide proof of insurance at the same time as your driver’s licence. Your M2 Insurance broker can provide you with information on the various types of contracts available. You can choose according to your needs and you can also adjust the deductible (the amount you will pay) in the event of a claim.


For special and precious goods

Your M2 Insurance broker will confirm it: when it comes to personal insurance, almost everything can be insured. An experienced broker can offer you protection for your jewellery, artwork, collections – whether it’s sports cards, stamps or luxury cars! – your vintage bike, your competition bike, your caravan, your golf clubs or your piano… and even for your horse! Coverage is available for high-value assets, but also for your assets which, even if they do not have a high monetary value in the eyes of others, are irreplaceable for you.


Umbrella insurance

As its name suggests, this type of insurance is not well known and offers very broad protection, much like an umbrella. In fact, it is an insurance that complements your civil liability coverage and that your M2 Insurance broker can add to your car, home, recreational vehicle, boat or other insurance. Depending on the contract, it can protect you in the event of a civil suit, libel suit, cover your legal fees and loss of income and, most importantly, it can be valid anywhere in the world.


For unique goods
and precious